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Chapter 2: The Planting of English America,

1500 - 1733


After you read and analyze this chapter, you should be able to understand the following Learning Objectives.


  • LO 2.1Explain why England was slow to enter the colonization race and what factors finally led it to launch colonies.


  • LO 2.2 Describe the cultural and social interaction and exchange between English settlers and Indians around the Chesapeake and the effects of the Europeans' policy of warfare and forced removal on Indians and whites


  • LO 2.3 Distinguish between the societies, economies, and cultures of Virgina and Maryland.


  • LO 2.4 Assess the impact of the emergence of plantation economies upon the development of the various colonies of the south.



Complete the Reading Packet below as you read Chapter 2


Chapter 2: The Planting of English America


This will be due the first full week of school when you have your exam over Periods 1 & 2. This MUST be hand written! You will lose 50% if it is typed!



Watch the following videos and complete the viewing guides

This will be due the first full week of school when you have your exam over Periods 1 & 2. This MUST be hand written! You will lose 50% if it is typed!


Chapter 2 American Pageant 

Answer the Big Idea Questions in the left hand column, fill in the blanks in the middle column and write down any questions you have in the right hand column.


Key Concept 1.3 & 2.1: Colonial Encounters 

Use the graphic organizer below to take notes on the different ways Europeans interacted with the Natives.


This will be due the first full week of school when you have your exam over Periods 1 & 2. 

This MUST be hand written! You will lose 50% if it is typed!


Key Concept 2.1: European Colonization Patterns

Answer the Big Idea Questions in the left hand column, fill in the blanks in the middle column and write down any questions you have in the right hand column.


This will be due the first full week of school when you have your exam over Periods 1 & 2. This MUST be hand written! You will lose 50% if it is typed!



Complete the following quizzes at Schoology

Period 1: 1491-1607
Period 2: 1607-1754
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